the self-care exchange
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This is to give you an idea of the project which I believe will make a huge difference to us all. Nothing is set in stone, it's just the seed, but maybe between us we can create something amazing. Just think; if you need your hair done or in desperate need of a massage, or need a tarot card reading, or maybe you need some healing... with a bank of professional women ready to give and receive just imagine how wonderful it could be.
No money is exchanged - you have to receive self-care in whichever form you need.
What is this project?
It's exactly that - The Self-Care Exchange. Between us we create a 'bank' of wonderful, experienced, nurturing women that can be called upon to give and receive care in perfect balance. One month you may be in need of love, guidance, healing, the next you may be able to give. We can be there for each other.
Why am I being invited to join?
You have a vital skill or gift that other women can benefit from. We are all experienced professional women and we should be supporting and caring for one another. Let's network, lets have each others back and help each other rise up.
Why has it been created?
For those of you that know me, you will know that I have a cycle of 'burn out'. A recent healing session in Glastonbury gave me a new understanding of why I do this. My new mantra is 'Do not abandon my body'. I believe we, as women, tend to abandon our own self-care first. I'm trying to address this.
How will it work?
It can be run as a direct email between participants or as a timebank where practitioners earn 1 point for half an hours service which they can then spend to pay other practitioners.
What do I need to do next?
You have been invited as I already trust you have valuable skills and gifts that you are able to share. it's whether you are happy to give without receiving money but you have to accept the gifts for yourself too. It has to be balanced. Just let me know if you want to be in the bank.